Sunday, May 16, 2010

Story of Bottled Water

After watching the story of bottled water, I now know why I definitely should not get it. Marketers have brainwashed consumers into believing bottled water is better when the big brands just used tap water anyway. This is very unethical and we as designers must find a way to prevent this from happening. We stop associating ourselves with packaging bottled water, we should design better ways to promote drinking tap water. All the bottles will end up in landfills and will most likely won’t even be recycled back into a sustain system. This growing trend must cease to exist and as it was suggested, bottled water should become a taboo like smoking. If designs such as the tap filter or reusable bottles with filters were more marketed then it will reassure consumers that tap water from home let alone anywhere is safe and drinkable and does no lower your status in the status quo. We must start a new trend saying that bottled water is in fact not good for you at all because the processes in which is used to manufacture the bottled water is doing harm to the environment and is going to end up in our bodies in the end because pollution will take its toll. Also the after life the bottled water is not satisfactory either. They must be properly managed no just shipped over to another country and polluting their environment instead.

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