Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Video Reflection Five: Annie Leonard - The Story of Stuff

Living in a world where being GREEN is an essential part of life, viewing this video is actually quite sickening. Corporations and the "side-kick" government are so pathetic in their ways of management. Firstly the industrial designers of 30 - 50 years ago, you SUCK! What is the purpose of designing products which BREAK and become UNUSABLE in one year or less? This as a result creating more waste and contributing to the decay of the planet...
One facet I did not know was the extremity of the exploitation of third world countries. First world countries should at least like Leonard said worry more about health care, safe transport systems, education, not CONSUMERISM! In addition to consumerism, the never ending cycle of working, feeling shit then having consume to feel "better" then work to pay off that debt and so on and so forth is ridiculous. People today REALLY have lost what really is IMPORTANT in life. In respect to design, I have come to realise EVEN more than before HOW important it is to design with an environmentally and ecologically sustainable mind set. Not only should designers create products to BENEFIT humans but also be GREEN in their choice of materials and be aware of the exploitation of other human beings.

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